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Please see below information on our policies and procedures

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Our leagues are primarily run outdoors and can be played during rain.


However if the weather takes a turn for the worst and courts are deemed unsafe to play on, the games will be called off. 


How the decision is made...

The forecast will be checked prior to the games starting., If there is over 80% chance of heavy rain/snow the games will be called off and player will be notified 3 hours prior to the start time.


The venue will also be contacted to gain their opinion of the courts safety prior to the start of the games


If the temperature falls below 0 the games will be rescheduled as we do not wish for players to put themselves at risk of injury, if the courts freeze over.


In the event of heavy rain once the games have started and the umpire deems it unsafe a decision will be made at the time. 


If either of these events occur, all games will be rescheduled, even if a game has started. 

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In the event of an incident occurring at one of our leagues, whether it be an accident or incident between players or staff, this will be recorded in the incident log. 


The umpires will have the incident log with them to complete. 


There will always be a minimum of 1 first aider on site with access to a first aid kit. 


If urgent medical assistant is required a member of our team will contact the emergency services for you.

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In the event your team does not have enough players, please contact the manager who will arrange subs to play for your team. 


You will need a minimum of 5 of your own team to play without forfeiting. 


If you have less than 5 please still attend so the other team does not miss out and we will endeavour to arrange subs so you have a full team to play with. 


The cost of a forfeit is 10 - 0

Jewellery, Nails & Hair​

Please note jewellery is not permitted whilst playing. All jewellery needs to be removed prior to playing. 

All nails must be short and not above finger tips

All hair needs to be tied back.

These safety checks will be conducted prior to the game starting by the umpires


This is social league and everybody is here to have fun, any negative behaviour will not be tolerated. If such behaviour is reported a warning will be given. If this continues you will be removed from the league. 


Our umpires are trained, but are human mistakes are rare, but can be made. If you have any issues, please speak to them during the break or at the end or contact us at so we can resolve any issues,

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